Club Excellence Wrap Up

Thursday, May. 16, 2013

Brian Krill is the USSA's newly hired Club Development Manager in its Sport Education Department. Krill has worked in education, competitive mountain athletics and the nonprofit sector throughout his career, having served as Dean of Athletic Education at the Crested Butte Academy, Interim Director of the Crested Butte Snowsports Foundation and pioneer of Peak Nonprofit Consulting, LLC. 

At the Club Excellence conference over the last few days it has become evident to all that the focus of the USSA and the future of our sports will rely on club development. Backed by the findings of the McKinsey study and the success evidenced by other NGBs such as USA Swimming, the USSA is rolling out lots of new resources to its member clubs.

The objectives are clear, as Jon Nolting and I presented today. 

  • Create valuable resources and support for clubs.
  • Engage clubs in the process of improvement.
  • Clarify club certification and classification process and criteria.
  • Add value for USSA membership dues.
  • Recognize and reward high performing clubs.

This will be a two way street, not just a top down initiative. Best in the World has and will extend to every club, every parent, every volunteer, every coach and every athlete as we work to deliver education, certification and recognition to all at the club level.

This is an exciting time to be part of the USSA team. Believe in U.S. because we believe in you!

Special thanks to our guest presenters at the 2013 Club Excellence Conference:

Jina Doyle and Marla Peters, American Specialty Insurance
Tom Avischious, Field Services Director, USA Swimming
Zachary Pendleton, Eligibility Coordinator, University of Utah
Matt Terwillegar, Sport Manager, Utah Olympic Park
Matt Gnoza, Killington Mountain School (trail/venue expansion)
Walt Evans, Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club (air bag/training progression)
John Cole, Ski and Snowboard Club Vail (human performance)
Whitney Childers, RallyMe (fundraising)

Your presentations and insights were extremely valuable for our USSA club leaders.


To download all the slides of the presentations and resources delivered at the 2013 USSA Club Excellence Conference please go to //


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