
USSA Online Athlete Registration

Registration Instructions

Online Athlete Event Registration is accessed through the My USSA portal.

1.     To login to My USSA Go to // and login using your normal My USSA login.

2.     You will want to make sure the athlete that is being registered is linked to the account you use to log in. If your athlete(s) is not linked to your account, you can use their account, or link them to your account by clinking on (link additional members) in the top box.  For more information on Linking an Athlete, see below.

3.     Once logged into My USSA, choose the Athlete to be registered. This is done by clicking on an Athlete in the Linked Member Box:


4.     Now select  in the toolbar. The Athlete Event Registration icon does not show up until an athlete has been selected. If your athlete is not linked to your account, or the Athlete Event Registration tool does not show up when you select the athlete, please follow the Linking an Athlete Instructions at the bottom of this sheet. 

5.     Once in the Athlete Event Registration System you will see information about the competitor, any competitions they are currently registered for, the ability to search for competitions and Your Cart:

6.     To add a competition, select  or on the side bar,. You can limit the search by Start Date, Sport, Division and Resort, and select. All currently sanctioned events that the competitor is eligible for will be displayed. If a competition is using USSA Online Registration, then the Competition will have. To see who is already registered, select. Once all events have been registered for, View the Cart or Checkout. It is important to note that refunds will not be given if an athlete registers for an event they are not eligible or qualified for. If there is a selection process, the athlete should not register until they have confirmation that they have been selected.

7.     When all competitions have been selected, select Checkout and continue to Checkout.

8.     When check out is complete, you can return to My USSA home page. From here you could select another athlete who is linked to you (if you have another) and register that athlete for events if you wish.

9.      If a refund is needed, you must contact the race organizer and they will request the refund.  All refunds will be processed after the competition has completed.  DO NOT call USSA to request your refund.


Linking an Athlete

  • Once you have logged into MyUSSA, if the athlete you need is not linked to your account, or if the athlete is linked but the Athlete Event Registration icon does not appear when they are selected, then the athlete needs to be linked.  To link an athlete, click on "link additional members"

  • Now just fill out the information and click Link Membership Account.  If someone is linked twice, then you Remove Association on the right of the page to unlink the older link of the member. 

  • If you don't have a member linked to your account, you will have a page displayed as below.  If you want the member to be the primary member of the account, then make sure the name is selected as below, otherwise use the default and the member will be added to the list of members.

  • To return to you home page, click on the "Return to My USSA" Link near the top left of the page.  Now you should be ready to use Athlete Event Registration.

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